mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

Exploitation of a new natural primary Energy - Pure-Continuous-Endless-Available free costs in Nature

"Pulito come l'aria"  (Disegno di Manuela Magagnini)

Ante Scriptum

Energia senza costi – Incredibile ma vero...!? Sembrerebbe di sì a giudicare da quanto scrive Anthony Ceresa: “Carissimo Paolo D'Arpini, Ringrazio in anticipo per tutto ciò che potrete fare per diffondere la scoperta la quale rappresenta tutte le mie speranze future. Ho ricevuto il Giornaletto di Saul e mi ha fatto piacere leggere qualche mio scritto oltre al pensiero di altri collaboratori amanti della Natura e più vicini al bene comune della Comunità... Invio il mio Progetto, descritto sommariamente in lingua Inglese, e resto in attesa di un Vostro giudizio.”

Important discovery for the exploitation of a new natural primary Energy - Pure-Continuous-Endless-Available free costs in Nature.

Dear Sirs,
Here is a very important discovery for our third millennium, requesting a sponsor to spread out the information.

It is long time by now, Pollution which is directly responsible of
nearly all our health and environment troucing, stands on various
International programs without a final solution to replace actual
methods of traditional energy exploitation, that affects the world
Eco-System and the human life physically and economically.

Many International Organizations plunged into the development of
alternative system operated by Wind or Photovoltaic solution that work upon the availability of the Wind and the Sun on limited period of the year, with low efficiency output compared with overall costs.

The discovery I am proposing for exploitation, refers to the only one energy economically advantageous and available continuously in nature day and night, pure, endless and free cost.

I wish to refer to the exploitation of the Gravity Energy that can be
controlled and exploited to our need to almost any extent.
The present discovery shall resolve the painful headache of world
millennium, hinged on costly traditional Energies with all relevant

Energy, most commonly is associated to fossil and hydrocarbon
dependency, solid, liquid or Gas and exploited for Electric Power
Generation and for general Heating Systems, where absorb much of its consume, polluting the Air and through-out the rain also affects all our means of subsistence, jeopardizing the eco-system, the environment and the human health, where diseases and cancer reached the apogeal.

Generating Electric Power with a continuous, pure and free costs
Natural Energy is certainly the dream for which people have studied for millennium.

The discovery I am proposing, is characterized by the know how to
exploit the Gravity Energy and foresee the construction of medium and large industrial engines operated exclusively by the above new energy as a primary force, and connected to suitable Electric Generators, to water pumps, to air pumps, or arranged to any need of cheap industrial power as per example: Desalinating Plants, purifying rescue waters, or Electric Cars, and crank progress towards a cheaper cost of life, improving living condition for millions human beings in precarious conditions.

I am looking for a financial backer to share internationally the
outcome of above trend.
Wishing to receive a positive response to the present request, meantime Dear Sirs, please accept my respectful regards.

Mr. Anthony Ceresa

Phone +39  02 5065 345 – Mobile 338 7593 569 –
E-mail:  -

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